Alessandro Soccorsi (piano) graduated from the Conservatory ‘Alfredo Casella’ in
L’Aquila in 2003. He’s accompanist and chamber music coach at the Royal Conservatory (The Hague).
Alessandro Soccorsi (piano) graduated from the Conservatory ‘Alfredo Casella’ in
L’Aquila in 2003 and continued his studies at the Arts Academy in Rome. He moved
to the Netherlands in 2008, where he studied for his Master’s degree at the Royal
Conservatory (The Hague). Alessandro Soccorsi has performed as a soloist and as
a chamber musician with ensembles at numerous festivals and music events in Italy
and the Netherlands. His participation in the music programme ‘The Age of Boulez’
organized by the Boulez Foundation was highly praised. In the Liszt Festival at the
Royal Conservatory he was soloist in Liszt’s Second Piano Concerto and in 2013
with the Brabant Orchestra in Mozart’s Piano Concerto in D minor. In 2016 he
was a soloist with the Orchestra Sinfonica Abruzzese, performing in the L’Aquila
Contemporanea Festival. His performance of Vivier’s Shiraz was praised unanimously
by new music lovers and connoisseurs and has triggered his interest in the work of
this composer. After careful study of the piano and chamber music works by Vivier,
he decided to present a CD with some of the most interesting pieces. His adaption
of Pulau Dewata, music for variable ensemble, for piano and two percussionists
displays the composer’s colourful writing at its best. Alessandro has collaborated as
an accompanist with musicians such as William Bennett and Sergio Azzolini. He’s accompanist and
chamber music coach at the Royal Conservatory (The Hague).